Nampa measures in the Middle East women traveling alone | Lonely ...

Focus: extremists to use [a child suicide prisoners], rapid increase ...

Nampa measures in the Middle East women traveling alone | Lonely ... Focus: extremists to use [a child suicide prisoners], rapid increase in the Middle East Africa Was as easy in northern Kirkuk, when a police officer caught the boy, he looked like a less than year-old is scared. When the police officers. Remove the shirt, it was found the explosives of kilometers to the skinny runt body is wound. The suicide attempt incident occurred on the day. That the day before had occurred even more unfortunate event in Turkey. During the wedding, which was done in southern Turkey Gaziantep, suspect of 0 generations that had magic in attendance detonated a suicide vest, according to officials, people died. Almost half of the victims were children. In Turkey of attacks, not only the worst of the bombings this year for the country, in a catastrophic manner that has already been executed in the armed struggle leading to Syria from Africa, was fed into the armed forces the children of suicide prisoners It indicates that it is the first case that might. For many years in Afghanistan, anti-government militants Taliban is using the children.