Nampa measures in the Middle East women traveling alone | Lonely ...

Huge in the Middle East of the desert Robot City] and the ...

Nampa measures in the Middle East women traveling alone | Lonely ... The history of the giant in the Middle East of the desert and the whole picture of Robot City] the plan, followed the checkered fate [Future Cities] Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince, announced the idea of ​​the robot is active [future city]. The plan of the new city to be built in the middle of the desert, to the past seems a number of Gyokusekikonko new city made all over the world. While bursting the overall picture of this plan, Kazakhstan from Brazil, Myanmar, such as Kotojivowaru, let's look back at the history of starry-eyed optimism and ego, and full of arrogance [future city]. Rulers from time immemorial is to create a new city, I have tried to satisfy everything from security to vanity. Some cities had declined, there is also a city that has become legendary capital undergone a development. Although secret plan does not yet exist necessarily be successful, challenge to urban development has continued. Once if the recent movement is to be the basis of something, century might be the century that a new plan to increase rapidly.