Nampa measures in the Middle East women traveling alone | Lonely ...

The Middle East is now a European backyard - BBC News

Nampa measures in the Middle East women traveling alone | Lonely ... The Middle East is now a European backyard We divided the policy to the domestic and international, it is dualistic thinking we tend. However, as shown in Brussels of the tragedy again, domestic and foreign is not intended to be divided in early easy. Speaking rather a fundamental sense, to the Middle East problem, which is becoming apart, there is also becoming quickly European problem. But would be terrorism, but would be the wave of surging immigration, but would be nuclear policy of Libya's future and Iran, but would be awkward relationship with Turkey, the entire Middle East area is now enters on a daily basis to European consciousness come. In a sense this is, it can be said that he has been regression in the history of state was long a normal thing. Good to look back to the colonial era. France, Italy, the United Kingdom had dominated the vast region in the Middle East. When the Ottoman Empire at the end is the next world war will collapse, become a place to manage there was the region also Britain and France both the government under its domination, Syria and the British and French mandate territory in Palestine was created.